The TSC Ltd Board of Directors of TSC Ltd, in line with the Rules, give NOTICE of the 2nd Annual General Meeting of Timperley Sports Club Limited (TSC Ltd) to be held on Monday 19th July 2021 commencing at 7.30pm online via Zoom
The 2nd AGM of TSC Ltd will be held online (via Zoom) to allow as many members as possible to attend, mindful that even through the current COVID restrictions are due to be changed from 19th July 2021, this is still to be confirmed and some Members may continue to prefer to avoid indoor gathering.
Members wishing to attend the meeting must register in advance using the TSC Ltd 2021 AGM REGISTRATION FORM by 09.00 on 19th July 2021. This ink can also be used to send apologies, submit questions and appoint a voting representative. A Zoom meeting invitation and instructions for the meeting will be sent to members once they have registered to attend. If you have difficulties using this link please contact
Full details are available on the Timperley Sports Club web site TSC 2nd Annual General Meeting